Hey all my nerds! SO sorry about not really being here! I've been CRAZY busy with school , friends and tons more. Just to let you all know I will be trying to update as much as I can but before I do that my grades need to be up so I'll be offline for a while! I will try to do my best to get everything ready and all that but because of things with batman and I She had to stop with comic Chicks. So I will be getting a new admin named "Nightwing" HE is my friend who loves comic books and has more time to work on comic chicks than I do. I'm also starting a new page for my makeup/hair photography thing. For my makeup ideas hair tips and my photography and editing I do. Please don't be mad at me for trying to get everything ready. Alright guy? So i will be doing 2 hero of the month because last months hero didn't upload. I will also be doing videos on youtube (MAYBE) about my day to day life once I start passing my classes. alright that's all I go to say for now. I love you all!!! Catch ya later my nerds!!!

<3//: Robin

Hey my nerds! I would like to let you know that I will be making slide shows for heros! Any request email or comment what hero you would like!!! Okay? Thanks guys sorry I haven't been on a lot going through some emotional stuff, I will try to post as much as I can!!! Alright catch ya later nerds ;)

❤️//: Robin

Hey there my nerds!!! I'm so sorry haven't been able to get on as much as i planned it's been Crazy at school!!! From homework to failing my math class >.> <.< But I haven't forgotten about my favorite nerds! I'm going to try my best to get school and comic chicks into sync so I can do both without freaking out or falling behind, P.S all you people who think batman and I don't really talk anymore because she hasn't posted anything, Me and Her are still best friends just School comes before the site I'm trying to manage all but if i can I will saddle only be able to post on free time (Don't really have any) so guys let her be she's in ALL honors classes sooo yeah keep calm and love comic Chicks okay????? New videos and stuff will be coming up here soon soo yeah :) Catch ya later Nerds ;)

<3//: Robin
Hey guys! are you as crazy about batman as me? Well check out the syfy channel they're having like a batman marathon going on and its been like 2 days :) CHECK IT OUT!!!!!!

Hey all my nerds! Want to join the nerd off here is what you will do and the rules

1: 3 games will be givin this Saturday you must play in a email to [email protected] you will send a pic of your high scores from each game than on Sunday 40 questions will be given for you to awnser who ever get the highest score and awnser the most right becomes the king/queen nerd!

To enter go to "become a hero" go down to the survey and enter your email and say your name, gender and a code name you want to go by. Thank you all

Catch ya later nerds!!!




Hey all my nerds! Check out syfy channel right now! Check it out its mr freeze vs batman and robin
Hey there all my nerds!!! Check it out! Batman and I have been working on getting Comic Chicks going and getting it out there. I was up late last night doing this:
-Comic Cons
-Songs and Videos to add to site
-facebook page
-Google+ email and public into
-Pictures to post
SO Check out all the work I've done
Hey all my nerds,geeks and freaks! I am going to be doing a Vlog today! It's a video blog so you can see who Robin in and learn basic things about me and what are my best hero moments!!! all right that's all for right now! Catch ya kater